Me and Karolina, we have done two photoshoots in the past. The first photoshoot we did, didn’t come out well. It was way too dark and most of the photos were either blurred or not that visible.
The next one was much better. We took some black and white photos and results were satisfying. However, it is 3rd shooting we did that I am going to talk about today and the one that had the best results.
It was when Karolina came to visit me in Brussels, end of June, this year. We decided that it will be mostly nude and that we will use my place for the shoot.
I already had in mind the setup. Some of the photos were about to be taken in the room I purposely painted anthracite (proof nr 1 , proof nr 2), so that I can use it for some of my photo sessions. I wanted to use those dark walls as a contrasty and simple background to better emphasize her perfect silhouette. I like simplicity as it leads more of the focus on the main subject, in this case, the beauty of the female shape.
Karolina brought some beautiful lingerie from Poland and I have also checked my boxes for lovely laces and a dress for we could use.
Decided to shoot in colour. I went with my beloved Kodak Portra 400, and Ilford HP5+. What I had in mind required a wider angle lens. I only had that on the Pentax 67 so that was the camera I had to use.
As far as I remember half of the photos here are taken with 75mm lens, another half with my favourite, 105mm lens.
The day was rather dark so I have decided to shoot next to the window. In that case, I don’t have to use a tripod. We didn’t want to realize any bigger idea. Rather focus on the form and light. Working with Karolina was so much fun, as she was not at all stressed, and she did not pretend. I wish I have more such shootings, that you don’t care about time, do some photos, have a tea, then continue again.
Last two photos were taken on black and white film. I have accidentally scanned it on colour settings and surprisingly got this lovely sepia tone.I have decided to keep it instead of grayscale. For me, these look a bit like those erotic victorian photos from XIX century.

Woe to you Radoslaw
on Earth and Sea
for your Devil’s Hasselbland sends the Beast with film
Because it knows 12 frames is short
Let him who hath understanding reckon the number of the Beast
For it is a human number, its number is six by six